Thursday, June 11, 2009


Rather than stopping at gay marriage, Perez Hilton should have asked Carrie Prejean whether or not she believes in equal rights regardless of sexual orientation, and if so, how she reconciles that with her stance on gay marriage. That would have been the real money question. But Perez Hilton was too busy being the embodiment of liberal intolerance.

If only there was an active, political demographic, called the "middle way," to bump aside the fanatics in both the liberal left and conservative right who continue to hijack and distort issues, engage the country in culture wars, and seek total ideological victory over pragmatic solutions to real problems.,2933,525716,00.html

Miss California Carrie Prejean Loses Her Crown
Thursday, June 11, 2009

"Prejean came under fire for her answer to a question about gay marriage two months ago in the Trump-owned Miss USA pageant, in which she was the runner-up. After the pageant, Prejean was continuously attacked as she defended her belief that gays and lesbians should not be given the right to marry in California."

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