Saturday, February 19, 2011

Who's in control? The voters, or the unions?

Breaking news. Missing Wisconsin state senators found in Argentina

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You all are wrong.

1. denying employees the opportunity to bargain collectively - probably overreaching. You might not agree with what they demand, but to say they can't even negotiate collectively? That's not fair play.

2. taking the ball and leaving the court because you can't have your way (and thus preventing the game from being played at all) - that's an "assault" on our democratic system. That's not fair play.

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Once Rachel Maddow declared Wisconsin the "existential fight for the Democratic Party" is when I lumped her in the category of shrill horribles, right there with Glenn Beck.

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Nobody seems to get is this concept called Rule of Law, and the legislative process. Did everyone fall asleep in Political Science 101 - American Government? Or did they all skip the foundation course and go straight for Political Science 321 - Political Rhetoric?

Just haphazardly mixing words like "fundamental right," "middle class," "common sense solution," into any argument might make it more persuasive if only for its visceral effect, however illogical it actually is.